Mr. Yunus Hoosen

Mr Hoosen has been appointed by the Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition as the champion of the Global Business Services (GBS) masterplan.
He is also heads Invest SA, a division within the dtic responsible for domestic and foreign direct inward investments. The division facilitates structured engagements between the investor and government in facilitation, expansion and aftercare handholding the investor through their investment lifecycle. He has extensive senior management experience, over 20 years of government experience in the dtic including managing trade development, market access and export programmes. He has also served as a SA diplomat as Economic Consul in Chicago for five years. He has managed negotiating bilaterals, multilaterals, cooperative agreements with foreign governments. He currently is responsible for investment promotion, investment climate and partnerships with the private sector. He is also responsible for the implementation of the Presidential Investment Drive of the USD100 billion over five years since 2018. He works very closely with the Presidency and is also the secretariat for the PPGI (Private-Public Growth Initiative).