Ministerial Roundtable

Investing in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Session Type
Room number
Room XX
Background Documents
16 October 2014
17:00 - 20:00 Europe/Zurich

The Ministerial Round Table discussed how to finance the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). A significant ratcheting up of investment will be required to achieve the SDGs, and the private sector will be a vital partner to public efforts to this effect. Indeed, the role of investment to generate productive capacity will be at the heart of efforts to meet the SDGs.

Ministers and heads of international organizations considered appropriate policy frameworks for sustainable investment, and propose strategies to engage private sector stakeholders to invest in the SDGs.

Elements for the debate

  • How can policies be deployed to engage private sector funding for the SDGs?
  • What factors shape private sector involvement in the sustainable and inclusive growth agenda?
  • Should an international governance structure frame different actors’ roles; what form should it take?


The outcome of the Round Table was a chairs’ summary. The co-chairs of the Ministerial Round Table summarized the highlights of the debate on investing in the SDGs, based on and enriching UNCTAD’s Action Plan for Investing in the SDGs. Their summary will be shared with the participating Ministers at the conclusion of the roundtable. The Summary will then be formally forwarded to the UN General Assembly and will feed into the Conference on Financing for Development next year in Addis Ababa, and ultimately into the Conference on the Sustainable Development Goals in New York.

The Forum therefore served as a platform to influence and shape the final scope of the SDGs, and by feeding into the upcoming Multilateral Summits on Financing for Development, the thoughts and ideas generated by the MRT will feed directly into this multilateral process and have a lasting impact during the lifetime of the Goals between 2015 and 2030.


Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation, The Netherlands
Minister of Trade and Industry, South Africa
Secretary-General of UNCTAD
Minister of State for Investments, Office of the Prime Minister, The Bahamas
Minister of Industries, Bangladesh
Minister of Economic Affairs of Bhutan
Minister of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises, Social Economy and Handicrafts, Cameroon
Minister of Commerce, Industry, Small & Medium Enterprises, Handicrafts of Central African Republic
Assistant Minister of Commerce, China
Minister of Foreign Trade of Costa Rica
Assistant Minister, Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Crafts of Croatia
Minister of Economic Affairs and Tourism of Curaçao
Secretary of State and Executive Director of the Center for Export and Investment, Dominican Republic
Minister Coordinator of Production, Employment and Competitiveness of Ecuador
Minister of Industry of Ethiopia
Presidential Commissioner for Investment and Competition of Guatemala
Minister of Economy of Kyrgyzstan
Vice Minister of Planning and Investment, Lao People’s Democratic Republic
Minister of Trade, Industry, and Cooperatives and Marketing of Lesotho
Minister of Strategic Resources, Madagascar
Minister of Industry and Investment Promotion of Mali
Minister of Commerce and Private Sector Development, Niger
Minister of Industry, Trade and Investment, Nigeria
Minister of Finance, Trade and Investment of Seychelles
Minister of Investment Promotion of Sri Lanka
Secretary General, National Investment Authority of Sudan
Ambassador, State Secretariat for Economic Affairs, Switzerland
Foreign Minister of Tunisia
Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs,U.S. Department of State, United States of America
Deputy Minister of Finance and Economic Development of Zimbabwe
Executive Vice President, Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency
Chief of Staff, and G20 Sherpa, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development