Ms. Francesca Spinelli
Francesca Spinelli joined the Investment Division at the OECD as Head of the International Investment Statistics Unit in 2020. Francesca has over twelve years of experience in the field of economics, trade and investment. In her research, she made extensive use of International Trade in Services statistics, Foreign Affiliate Statistics and Foreign Direct Investment Statistics, often at the micro-data level. In her current position, she focuses on promoting understanding, awareness and implementation of international standards for Foreign Direct Investment data and increasing the impact of international investment statistics and analysis. Francesca serves as the Secretary of the OECD Working Group on International Investment Statistics (WGIIS) and co-Secretary of the joint IMF-OECD Direct Investment Task Team (DITT), supporting the revision of the OECD’s Benchmark Definition of Foreign Direct Investment (BD4), and the IMF’s Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Manual (BPM6).