Reliable data are essential for informed policymaking on investment for sustainable development. The FDI statistics symposium will discuss the latest developments in the area of investment statistics, focusing on ongoing work in international organizations on data standards and definitions, FDI data compilation and reporting issues in developing countries, complementary datasets to strengthen data interpretation, and bridging data gaps in thematic areas such as the SDGs and the energy transition.
Participants in the symposium will discuss options for initiatives to support developing countries in data collection and compilation, and explore new partnership opportunities for the collection of global project-level investment data.
Session themes:
- What are the leading problems faced by developing countries, especially LDCs, in compiling statistics on FDI data and on the activities of MNEs?
- How can existing investment data be made more relevant to the SDGs and climate change mitigation and adaptation?
- In what ways can complementary datasets such as greenfield projects and international project finance deals increase the relevance of FDI statistics for the monitoring of productive capacity development?
- How can statistical agencies collaborate with investment agencies (such as investment promotion agencies and investment authorities) to generate better project-level data?