Mr. Toomas Allikas

Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Greenful
Mr. Toomas Allikas
Mr. Toomas Allikas
Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Greenful

Toomas is the founder and CEO of Greenful, whichmanufactures sustainable construction materials from 100% recycled textile, plastic, and rubberwaste. Toomas is a serial entrepreneur, visionary, andglobal disruptor with a can-do attitude and asystematic analytical approach to solving complexproblems simply yet efficiently. Toomas focuses onusing technology to disrupt stagnant, inefficientindustries. His passion is finding inefficiencies andtreating new technology-based solutions thatdeliver superior products and services entirelydifferently—he is an entrepreneur by heart. Toomashas more than 15 years of experience creating newand innovative companies that help improvepeople’s lives and solve crucial environmental issuestoday. Prior successes include establishing a creditcompany that helped over 70,000 people bygenerating €26M in revenue and becoming themanufacturer of innovative modular homes that areenergy-efficient and eco-friendly. Toomas’ unique competence lies in his visionaryapproach to opportunities, conceptualizing howtechnology can be used to solve critical problemsand then organizing the creative energies of histeams to build successful businesses.

SESSIONS BY Mr. Toomas Allikas

  - Asia/Dubai