Sweden said on Tuesday 19 July it would contribute to the UNCTAD Trust Fund for Capacity-building in Investment for Development through a multi-year contribution amounting to Skr 15 million, or approximately $1.8 million.
The announcement was made by Erik Bromander, State Secretary of Sweden – a long-standing partner of UNCTAD in the area of investment – at the Global Leaders' Investment Forum on the sidelines of the 2016 World Investment Forum.
The flexibility of the trust fund allows UNCTAD to carry out cutting-edge research, organize ahead-of-the-curve events, and respond quickly to the most urgent needs of beneficiary countries, while maintaining full accountability for results and impact.
The Trust Fund for Capacity-Building in Investment was UNCTAD's first multi-donor umbrella trust fund. It is dedicated to the full range of research, consensus-building and technical assistance activities carried out by UNCTAD in the area of investment.