Registration for the eighth World Investment Forum, scheduled to take place 16-20 October 2023, is now open.
The Forum will take place in the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.
Please register here. There is no fee to join, but registration is required.
The eighth Forum will focus on the theme “Investing in sustainable development” and address key investment challenges caused by today’s multiple global crises, including the need to invest in food security, the energy transition, health for all, supply chain resilience and productive capacity growth, especially in the poorest countries. Taking place ahead of COP28, in the same location, the Forum will also include a focused track on promoting climate finance and investment.
The Forum is a multi-stakeholder gathering, designed to facilitate dialogue and action on investment-development challenges. It is recognized by Governments and business leaders as the pre-eminent global gathering for investment partnership and policymaking, providing a platform for interaction among the key stakeholders including state leaders and ministers, parliamentarians, CEOs of global companies, family businesses, heads of investment promotion agencies, investment treaty negotiators, impact investors and foundations, stock exchange executives, pension and sovereign wealth funds managers, international standard setters, entrepreneurs, academia and representatives of civil society.
The eighth Forum will feature over 150 high-profile events, including the Global Leaders Investment Summit, ministerial round tables, the Investment Promotion Conference, the International Investment Treaty Conference, the Sustainable Stock Exchanges Global Dialogue, the Institutional Investors for Sustainable Development Round Table, the Family Business and Sustainable Development Conference, minister–business executive dialogues, multi-stakeholder sessions on key themes, and prestigious United Nations award ceremonies, as well as the launching of a number of global initiatives for investment in sustainable development. The preliminary programme for the eighth Forum can be found here.
The Forum will be organized in collaboration with over eighty international partners. Key internationally renowned media (print, TV and social) will cover the various sessions of the Forum and disseminate its deliberations.
We look forward to welcoming you in Abu Dhabi in October!