Ms. Fatima Farouk Elsheikh
Mrs. Fatima Farouk Elsheikh is currently the Strategic Advisor to the Director General of the Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa (BADEA). In her current role she supports realizing BADEA 2030 vision and strategy in promoting economic cooperation between sub-Saharan Africa and the Arab world.
Mrs. Elsheikh has more than twenty-two years in international development and humanitarian operations with special focus on economic development and private sector growth. Previously, Mrs. Elsheikh served as United Nations Development Program (UNDP)Resident Representative in Djibouti (2019-2022). Prior she has served as Chief Technical Advisor for the Prime Minister Office with UNDP Timor-Leste, and Head of Poverty Unit in UNDP Sudan.
She is awards winner of the National Medal of honour by the President of the Republic of Djibouti for her leading role in promoting inclusion global award in Youth Employment and sustainability projects respectively.
Mrs. Fatima holds a medical degree from Ahfad University for Women in Sudan and a master’s degree in Genetic Epidemiology from Erasmus University, Netherlands, and a diploma on development policy advisory services from Columbia University and UNDP.