Ms. Archana Shirsat
Deputy Director General, International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI)

Ms. Archana Shirsat
Deputy Director General, International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI)
Ms. Archana Shirsat is Deputy Director General at INTOSAI Development Initiative (IDI) based in Oslo, Norway. IDI is an INTOSAI body that works towards effective, accountable, and inclusive Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs), making a difference in the quality of public sector governance and service delivery for value and benefits of all.
She is a member of the IDI management team and heads the Department for Professional & Relevant SAIs. Her team works with SAIs and key stakeholders across the world for strengthening sustainable audit practices (financial, performance and compliance audits) and auditing relevant trends, including trends like technology, climate change, SDGs and equality for a positive impact on people and planet.