Mr. Kamal Chetty

Kamal Chetty has over a decade of experience and expertise in investment promotion, investment facilitation, and export promotion.
He is the Chief Executive Officer of Investment Fiji, the country's only investment and export promotion agency dedicated to promoting Fiji's potential sectors and trade opportunities to the rest of the world, thus becoming a driving force in our country's economic prosperity.
He played an integral role in the strategic shift of the organization's focus and became a key figure in promoting this change, making sure that the process was streamlined after the transition.
Mr. Chetty who specializes in Accounting, Finance, Statistics, Diplomacy and International Trade joined Investment Fiji in 2008 as an Investment Officer, paving his way to leading the organization as the CEO in May 2022.
The CEO is also part of numerous boards and councils which contribute towards the decision-making process at a national level. Being a part of these organizations provides him with much better access to our business community's needs and desires in putting Investment Fiji as an ideal investment and trade destination.
Chetty’s professional as well as personal ambition is to further promote Fiji, as a potential investment location in markets in which it has a competitive advantage and, by so doing, contribute to the nation’s economic and social development.