Mr. Alexander Flühmann

Head of Financial Accounts, Swiss National Bank
Mr. Alexander Flühmann
Mr. Alexander Flühmann
Head of Financial Accounts, Swiss National Bank

Alexander Flühmann: Deputy Head Balance of Payments and Swiss Financial Accounts and Head Financial Account, Swiss National Bank (SNB), Zürich. Mr. Flühmann with his team is responsible for some main external statistics of Switzerland: «Financial Account» as part of Balance of Payments, «International Investment Position», «Foreign Direct Investment» (FDI) and «Activities of Multinational Enterprises» (AMNE), the latter in close cooperation with the Swiss Federal Statistics Office (SFSO). The responsibility includes the whole production process: collecting, processing, analysing and disseminating the data. This process was fundamentally redesigned in the last few years, adapting the new international statistical methodology (BPM6/BD4) and in parallel introducing newly developed IT tools. In the production of the data, Mr. Flühmann with his team closely cooperates with national and international statistical institutions. Mr. Flühmann currently acts as an observer in ECB’s Working Group on External Statistics (WGES), before that he was part of OECD’s Working Group on International Investment Statistics, from 2003 to 2014 as a delegate and from 2014 to 2016 as a member of the Bureau. Prior to his current position Mr. Flühmann was an economist at the SNB mainly responsible for FDI statistics. He obtained a Master's Degree in Economics at University of Zürich with a minor in Political Science.

SESSIONS BY Mr. Alexander Flühmann

  - Europe/Zurich

PREVIOUS SESSIONS BY Mr. Alexander Flühmann

8th WIF 2023
  - Asia/Dubai