Workshop for Investment Promotion Agencies (IPAs)

Best practice: Reaping the benefits of good governance and transparency in investment promotion
in partnership with the World Bank Group
Session Type
Pre-Forum Events
Session Themes
Investment Promotion & Facilitation
Room number
Room 201, Level 2
20 April 2012
15:30 - 18:15 Asia/Qatar

Lack of reliable business information, excessive red tape and inefficiency all has a negative effect on foreign direct investment (FDI) attraction. The two sessions of this workshop, organized by UNCTAD and the World Bank Group, will explore the importance of offering strong investor facilitation services, and outline practical tools that are available to help perform this task.

The How-to Guide to Making One Stop Shops Work

In the global economic slowdown, removing unnecessary administrative burdens and disincentives to companies has become key. This session will explore how IPAs can simplify and facilitate procedures for investors, and how e-government models can offer an affordable means to achieve these aims.

Wrap Up: The way forward


Coordinator, Business Facilitation, DIAE, UNCTAD
Vice-President, Transparency International
Managing Director, BOI, Mauritius
Investor Advisor, Proesa, El Salvador
Head of the Statistics & Information Division, FIA, Vietnam
Chief, Investment Promotion Section, UNCTAD