WIF Opening and Global Leaders Investment Summit

Investment for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Session Type
Room number
Tsavo 1 Room
18 July 2016
18:00 - 21:00 Africa/Nairobi

The SDGs have been agreed – Governments and business now need to take action to bridge the investment gap

The 2016 World Investment Forum will be the first major international meeting on financing the SDGs following the UN Summit on the post-2015 development agenda and the COP21 meeting on climate change.

Building on the outcome of the Third International Conference on Finance for Development, the 2016 Summit will tackle the future financing challenges facing the implementation of the SDGs. It will convene State, business and thought leaders, who will share the latest thinking and options for financing the SDGs. Particular emphasis will be given to corporate perspectives on the role of private sector finance and initiatives for achieving the agreed Goals.

The Summit will directly influence the debate on investment for sustainable development in the international community, and will offer a vision to national governments, financial institutions and the business community on how to direct investment towards key SDG sectors.

Issues to be addressed

  • Scaling up investments in the SDG sectors
  • Facilitating investments in structurally weak and vulnerable groups
  • Ensuring the economic and social benefits of investment reach the poorest
  • Enabling solutions to achieve environmental sustainability


Secretary-General, UNCTAD
Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Industry Trade and Cooperatives, Kenya
Vice-President of Comoros
Foreign Minister, Argentina
Minister for Industries, Bangladesh
Minister of Economy and Finance, Iran
Minister of Trade and Industry
Assistant Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Viet Nam
Chair, International Trade Committee Chair, European Parliament
State Secretary to the Minister for Infrastructure, Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation, Sweden
Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for International Finance & Development, Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs, US Department of State, United States
Chairman, China-Africa Development Fund
Vice President of Public Affairs, Alibaba Group
Chief Executive Officer, Prudential
Chief Executive Officer, ADEC Innovations
Chairman, Hinduja Group
Chief Executive Officer, Siemens South Africa
Vice President, Global Business Development SAP
Executive Vice President for Africa, Danone
Chief Executive Officer, Equatorial African Region, Nestlé


Business and Economics Correspondent, Sky News