Talking Business (session IV)

Green economy
Session Type
Room number
Hall 6 Room 14
19 October 2023
18:30 - 20:00 Abu Dhabi

Private sector and government representatives will draw from their experiences to delve into the opportunities and challenges of investing in the green economy. They will emphasize the significance of moving towards sustainable energy sources, circular economies and environmentally friendly practices. Against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic and ongoing climate change crises, the speakers will elaborate on the imperative of green investments for economic recovery and climate resilience. The pandemic exposed vulnerabilities in supply chains and healthcare systems, highlighting the need for green and sustainable solutions in various sectors, including healthcare infrastructure and clean energy. Government and private sector representatives will elucidate how their activities align with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in particular the goals related to climate action (SDG 13), affordable and clean energy (SDG 7) and responsible consumption and production (SDG 12). The ensuing interactive Q&A session will offer an opportunity to further explore the complexities of investing in the green economy and how to foster a collective commitment to advancing the green economy for the benefit of both current and future generations.

Session themes:

  • What are the key opportunities and challenges associated with investing in and operating a business in the green economy? How do you navigate these challenges while seizing opportunities to promote sustainability and environmental responsibility?
  • How have ongoing health and environmental challenges influenced your strategic priorities within the green economy sector? Can you provide specific examples of how you have adapted your operations to address these challenges and align with environmentally responsible practices?
  • What specific investment policy reforms do you believe should be considered priorities to incentivize and facilitate green investments and promote the transition to a more sustainable and eco-friendly economy?
  • Are there recent initiatives aimed at accelerating the transition to a green economy that have played a pivotal role in enhancing your business prospects? How have these initiatives impacted your ability to advance sustainability goals and contribute to a greener future?
  • How can public-private dialogue and private-private collaborations be leveraged to enhance your green economy operations? Can you share examples of successful partnerships or dialogue mechanisms that have proven effective in advancing sustainability goals and mitigating environmental impacts?
  • Could you elaborate on strategies for fostering coherence between green economy initiatives, the SDGs and environmental, social and governance (ESG) principles, while ensuring profitability and growth?
  • Considering the countries/regions where you are operating within the green economy, what specific contributions or actions are you taking to align with and advance the SDGs?


Power Advisor of National Investment Commission, Iraq
President, Invest Trinidad & Tobago
Environmental and Social Manager, Alcazar Energy
Chief Executive Officer, Plain Tiger
Co-Founder, Eco Genius
Advisor, Al Serkal Group


Economic Advisor, Abu Dhabi Chamber of Commerce and Industry