Sustainable Stock Exchanges 2010 Session 3 (by invitation)

Breakout sessions: working groups on the role of exchanges, investors and regulators
Session Type
Breakout sessions
Session Themes
Sustainable Stock Exchanges
Room number
Room 2A01
8 September 2010
17:30 - 18:30 Asia/Shanghai

Building responsible capital markets

This executive dialogue will bring together CEOs of stock exchanges, large institutional investors and issuers, along with senior securities regulators, to examine how stock exchanges can promote sustainable business practices and responsible capital markets. The dialogue is co-organized by UNCTAD, the Global Compact and the Principles for Responsible Investment.

Breakout sessions: working groups on the role of exchanges, investors and regulators

During this session participants will be separated into three groups – exchanges, investors, and regulators – in order to discuss the various challenges and solutions to the sustainable stock exchanges agenda. After the breakout session, the three roundtable facilitators will be asked to report back during the next session.

Roundtable facilitators will moderate the discussion based on the following questions

  • What are the main challenges for taking this agenda forward?
  • After hearing about recent developments since the 2009 Sustainable Stock Exchanges Conference, how can we build upon the momentum over the next year? What next steps can we collectively take as a group of exchanges, regulators, or investors?
  • How do we mainstream the ESG agenda amongst our peers, particularly the exchanges, regulators, or investors who are not currently in the room?