Sovereign Wealth and Pension Funds Dialogue

Partnering for long-term sustainable development
Session Type
Session Themes
Institutional Investors
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24 October 2018
16:30 - 19:00 Europe/Zurich

Sovereign wealth funds (SWFs) manage assets of over $6 trillion, and public-sector pension funds (PPFs) worldwide almost triple this figure. With a long-term investment horizon, these funds play a growing role as investors in SDG sectors, particularly in infrastructure, renewable energy, public health and education. However, only a small portion of their financial assets is currently dedicated to direct investment. This roundtable will bring together ministers, executives of SWFs and PPFs, other development financing partners, and investment experts to examine collaboration opportunities to mobilize more investment into SDG sectors.

Detailed Description

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), adopted by the United Nations Summit for Sustainable Development in 2015, constitutes an ambitious, overarching, universal action plan for sustainable development for the world by 2030. Achievement of the SDGs requires huge investment, in particular in key sectors such as infrastructure, food security and rural development, sustainable energy, public health and education. UNCTAD estimates that developing countries alone face an annual financing gap of $ 2.5 trillion for realizing the SDGs.

Sovereign wealth funds (SWFs) manage assets of over $6 trillion, and public sector pension funds (PPFs) worldwide almost triple this figure. With a long-term investment horizon, these funds, together with other development financing partners, such as the World Bank, regional development banks as well as other long-term institutional investors, have become important investors in SDG sectors, in particular in infrastructure, renewable energy, public health and education. However, only a small portion of the available ‘reservoir’ of their financial assets is currently dedicated to direct investment and most of these are in developed countries. Their potential contribution to sustainable development is far from being fully tapped.

The Dialogue will bring together ministers, executives of SWFs and pension funds, other development financing partners, and investment experts to engage in a dialogue to examine collaboration opportunities to mobilize more investment into SDGs, in particular in infrastructure development, and how sovereign wealth and pension funds, developing county governments, international organizations and other development partners can work together to facilitate these investments and maximize their development outcomes impact.

Issues for the debate

  • What role can SWFs and PPFs play in promoting sustainable development through investment, particularly in infrastructure?
  • How can governments create a more conducive environment to encourage sustainable investment by these funds and maximize development benefits?
  • What role can international organizations such as UNCTAD play in facilitating investment by SWFs and PPFs in sustainable development?


Director, Division on Investment and Enterprise, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
Executive Director, State Oil Fund, Azerbaijan
Managing Director & Chief Investment Officer, Department of International Trade, United Kingdom
CEO, Alecta Pension, Sweden
President & Executive Director, Latin American Private Equity & Venture Capital Association (LAVCA)
Deputy CEO of Swiss Sustainable Finance
Chairman, European Long-Term Investors Association
CEO, The Second Swedish National Pension Fund (AP2)
Chairman of Asia, Partners Group, Singapore
CEO, IDFC Alternatives, India
Principal Investment Specialist, Invest India
Director of Policy and Research, Principles for Responsible Investment