This session includes four successive panels covering different aspects of social sector PPPs.
The Social Sector covers health, education, social housing, elderly care, social amenities, public buildings, public leisure facilities and so on. As such, it covers several SDGs and overalls with others.
Panel 1: Infrastructure PPPs in the social sector - pipelines & case studies
Current pipeline and past accomplishments
Case studies
Key success factors
Panel 2: Which PPP model works best inthe socialsector - infrastructure PPP or integrated PPP?
What is special about the social sector?
The role of PPPs in raising quality standards and levels of accessibility in the social sector.
Key obstacles.
Panel 3: Can PPPs be used for developing affordable and social housing?
Presentation by the IFC
Can PPPs adapt to the housing sector?
Rationale for governments.
Challenges, successes and failures.
Panel 4: Integrated and service-based PPPs in the social sector. The route to bringing operational efficiencies?
What makes integrated and service-based PPPs in the social sector appealing
Issues with defining requirements in service-based PPPs.
Resistance to implementing PPPs integrated with services.