Public-Private Partnership Forum

Innovations in PPP financing
organized by the World Association of PPP Units and Professionals (WAPPP)
Session Type
Session Themes
PPP Forum
Room number
Hall 7 Room 17
Contact Email
Background Documents
19 October 2023
17:30 - 18:45 Abu Dhabi

Heightened financial market volatility, macroeconomic pressures, and disrupted supply chains are some of the challenges facing the financing of infrastructure projects globally. At the same time, the volume of financing required has never been greater with governments managing multiple competing priorities such as climate change mitigation and adaptation, providing for increasing urbanization and demographic changes, upgrading of aging infrastructure, and economic transformation. 

This session will convene both PPP practitioners and providers of capital to explore how financial solutions for PPPs are evolving and what innovations are needed to meet the challenges and priorities of today’s world and the future, with less reliance on traditional financing strategies. Meeting in the UAE, amid a region where PPP is thriving, the session will illustrate success stories and reveal common insights that can be applied in markets across the world. 

Session themes:

  • Solutions available to address the current challenges facing the financing of PPP projects. 
  • Examples of successful innovations that can/ could unlock more capital for PPP projects. 
  • How financing can contribute to the sustainability objectives of PPP projects. 
  • PPP financing frameworks and tools that can be utilized across distinct regional markets


General Manager, International Banking Division, Commercial Bank of Kuwait
Graduate Institute, SwisSOX
Vice President, Structured Finance ME, Turkey & CCA, Natixis Corporate & Investment Banking
Head of Infrastructure Finance, MENAT, HSBC Bank Middle East
Head of Tribe Advisory, Tribe Infrastructure Group


Co-Chair, Finance Chapter, World Association of PPP Units & PPP Professionals (WAPPP)
Co-Chair, Finance Chapter, World Association of PPP Units & PPP Professionals (WAPPP)