Promoting Responsible Sovereign Lending and Borrowing (by invitation)

Session Type
Session Themes
Institutional Investors
Room number
Room 1B
8 September 2010
12:30 - 20:00 Asia/Shanghai

Formulating agreed guidelines for sovereign lending and borrowing is the first step in the process of preventing future sovereign debt problems. UNCTAD aims to build consensus around a set of internationally agreed guidelines to promote responsible sovereign lending and borrowing.

The Conference will provide an occasion for senior government officials including Ministers, central bank governors and high level representatives of international organizations to discuss the first draft of the Principles for Promoting Responsible Sovereign Lending and Borrowing.

The conference is intended to be the starting point for an international dialogue under the auspices of the United Nations to work towards an internationally agreed set of responsible principles.


Secretary-General of UNCTAD
Deputy Prime Minister, Zimbabwe
State Minister for Environment and International Development, Norway
Secretary of Finance, Argentina
Minister of Finance and Development Planning, Botswana
Governor of the Central Bank of Botswana, Botswana
Minister of Finance, Ecuador
Minister of Finance, Ghana
Minister of Finance, Iraq
Minister of Economic Affairs and Finance, Islamic Republic of Iran
Minister of Finance and Development Planning, Lesotho
Director General of Development Cooperation, the Netherlands
Governor, Central Bank of Malta, Malta
Federal Minister for Privatization, Pakistan
Minister of Finance, Zimbabwe
Vice Minister of Justice, Zimbabwe
Chief Negotiator on Investment, Ministry of Finance, Japan