Presentation of Report: Energy Investment Risk Assessment (EIRA) 2018

organized by the Energy Charter Secretariat
Session Type
Side Events
Session Themes
Room number
24 October 2018
11:00 - 12:30 Europe/Zurich

The Energy Investment Risk Assessment (EIRA) is a publication of the Energy Charter Secretariat that evaluates specific risks affecting energy investment that can be mitigated through adjustments to policy, legal and regulatory frameworks. EIRA is an instrument primarily targeted at governmental decision-makers. It aims to identify policy gaps, provide learning opportunities, and stimulate reforms which make the investment climate of countries more robust and reduce the risk of investor-State disputes. EIRA 2018, the first public edition of the Report, was launched on 3 October 2018. Secretary General of the Energy Charter Secretariat. Dr. Urban Rusnák will present the results, after which the floor will be open for discussion.