OilGasMines Special Event (Part II)

Maximizing benefits of investments: policy dialogue
Session Type
Side Events
Room number
Room XIX
16 October 2014
12:00 - 15:00 Europe/Zurich

The second part of the Africa Oil Gas and Mines side event will focus on policy options suitable to increasing benefits of investments in Oil and Gas Field Services to recipient countries and contributing to national sustainable development strategies. The views and experiences of consultants to the oil and gas industry, legal experts in structuring agreements with foreign service providers, and oil companies will be discussed.

Elements for the debate

  • What policy options are suitable to increasing benefits of investments in Oil and Gas Field Services to recipient countries and contributing to local job creation
  • What contractual arrangements/negotiations can help to boost local involvement in the sector - best practices.
  • What can be done to develop standards of local oil and gas field services companies in order to compete globally?
  • How can countries gain access to new technology and improve efficiency in their operations?
  • Local oil and gas service entrepreneurs often lack access to affordable finance. How can local entrepreneurs overcome the obstacle of access to finance? What innovative financing mechanisms are available to local entrepreneurs?