Investment Promotion and Its Impact on Gender Equality

in partnership with ESCAP
Session Type
Session Themes
Investment Promotion
Gender Equality
Room number
Hall 2 Room 4
Contact Email
18 October 2023
11:00 - 12:00 Abu Dhabi

Investment promotion agencies (IPAs) are increasingly integrating gender equality and women’s empowerment in their work. They act on several fronts. They are facilitating greater impact of foreign companies’ operations on gender equality in the host economy, they are promoting gender-inclusive linkages between multinational enterprises and local companies, and they are empowering women and promoting gender equality within the agency.

Incorporating gender considerations into investment promotion and facilitation work can, for example, attract multinational enterprises that have a more positive impact on women, particularly on sustainable employment opportunities for women. IPAs can work with other agencies in government to address specific challenges faced by women entrepreneurs, help women build business networks, develop gender-inclusive business linkages between investors and the local economy, and improve the opportunities for women in sectors in which they are usually not engaged.

This side event will showcase and discuss promising initiatives that IPAs are involved in to make an impact on gender equality.

Session themes:

  • Gender equality in investment promotion and facilitation
  • The impact of investment promotion on SDG 5


Chief of Innovation, Enterprise & Investment, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN ESCAP)
President, Jamaica Promotions Corporation (JAMPRO) and Director Jamaica Special Economic Zones Authority (JSEZA)
Executive Chairman, Bangladesh Investment Development Authority (BIDA)
Chief Executive Officer, Investment Fiji
Director, Investment Promotion, Invest South Africa
Chief Operating Officer, Dubai Office, Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (Apex-Brasil)
Head of Corporate Equalities, Due Diligence and Supply Chains Sustainability, UK’s Department for Business and International Trade


Financial Journalist, CNBC Africa