Investing in mitigating food loss and waste
organized by FAO
Session Type
Session Themes
Investment in Agrifood Systems Forum
Room number
Hall 6 Room 19
Contact Email
20 October 2023
11:00 - 12:30 Abu Dhabi
Food Loss and Waste (FLW) are a manifestation of inefficient agrifood systems, with negative impacts on the economy, food security and nutrition, and the environment. Recent estimates show that 14 percent of the food produced is lost along the supply chain (FAO, 2019) and that 17 percent of the food available at the retail level is wasted (UNEP, 2021). FLW contributes to 8 percent of greenhouse gas emissions through the production, processing and distribution and disposal of food that is not consumed. A major impediment to reducing FLW is the insufficient awareness of the extent of the issue and the ‘business case’ for policy and investment in reducing FLW.
Session themes:
- Investments in upgrading rural market facilities, such as improving cold storage facilities, deploying climate-smart processing, storage, and packaging, and utilizing handling technologies to reduce losses and add more value.
- Importance of a holistic and integrated approach and enabling environment to invest in FLW reduction which is aligned with sustainable food system objectives.
Senior Advisor on Agriculture Trade and Agriculture Value Chains Development, African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA)
Economic Affairs Officer, United Nations Technology Bank for the Least Developed Countries
Deputy Director, Food Systems and Food Safety Division, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)