Investing in Vaccine Supply Chain Resilience and Local Production

in partnership with WHO
Session Type
Session Themes
Room number
Hall 2 Room 5
Contact Email
18 October 2023
18:30 - 20:00 Abu Dhabi

COVID-19 has put the spotlight on the need to increase the resilience of global vaccine supply chains, particularly in developing regions. The vaccine supply chain suffers from inefficiencies in production and distribution networks, concentrated supply, and hard to predict market demand. Equitable immunization worldwide should be a key objective of efforts to strengthen supply chains. Advancing the local production of vaccines in developing regions is one means to ensure timely access and to reduce vulnerability.

Building local productive capacity requires partnerships between international investors and multinationals, technology developers, development partners and governments. The objective of this event is to bring together relevant stakeholders to discuss options to promote investment in supply resilience and local production.

Session themes:

  • How can international investment best support increased resilience in global vaccine supply chains and access in developing countries?
  • What is role of multinationals who coordinate global vaccine value chains? What is the role that can be played by local producers? How can they cooperate to maximize the impact?
  • How can international organizations, including UNCTAD and the WHO, contribute and build a policy agenda for future sustainable, inclusive and resilient vaccine supply chains?


Director, Division on Investment and Enterprise, UNCTAD and Lead, UNCTAD World Investment Forum
Senior Fellow, CGD & Professor, INSEAD
Chairman and Managing Director, Incepta-Vaccine
Co-founder & General Manager Gennecs Pharmaceutical / Gennvax
Corporate Affairs Director, Middle East & Africa, AstraZeneca
Chief, Local Production Unit, World Health Organization
Director, Regulation and Prequalification Department, Access to Medicines and Health Products Division, World Health Organization