International Investment Agreements Conference 2010 Session 2 (BY INVITATION ONLY)

Breakout session B on the systemic evolution of the investor-State dispute settlement system
Session Type
Parallel Events
Room number
Room 1E
8 September 2010
14:00 - 16:00 Asia/Shanghai

International investment agreements in the new era

The 2010 IIA Conference will have three thematic clusters that reflect the key development challenges facing the current international investment regime (consisting of over 5,980 international investment agreements at all levels) in generating tangible development benefits in the post-crisis investment landscape. These clusters concern (i) the interaction of the IIA regime with other key and emerging global policy areas such as international financial regulation, climate change and other public policies, (ii) the systemic evolution of the IIA regime and its new direction, and (iii) the resultant need for closer international cooperation and a more coordinated and collective approach in IIA matters.

Questions to be addressed include

  • How to ensure coherence between IIAs and new international policies on climate change, financial regulation and other public policies?
  • How to reconcile investor protection with public policies?
  • How is this being addressed in recent IIA developments (including new models)?
  • How to preserve predictability for States and investors?
  • How to address concerns about the legitimacy of the investor-State disputes system?
  • Are new mechanisms for international cooperation needed? And if so, what would they look like?

The interaction of the IIA regime with other key and emerging global policy areas such as financial regulation, climate change and other public policies.


Minister attached to the Prime Minister, Cambodia
Minister of Justice and Attorney General, Rwanda
Attorney General, Ecuador
Former Attorney General of Pakistan and Partner Fazle Ghani Advocats, Pakistan
Executive Director, Nippon Steel Corporation, Japan
General Counsel, Asia-Pacific, General Electric Company, USA
Secretary General, International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID), World Bank
Director, International Trade Law Division, Office of Legal Affairs, UNCITRAL
Director and Counsel, Secretariat of the ICC International Court of Arbitration, Asia Office
Renmin University of China
ad-hoc Judge, International Court of Justice, Argentina
School of Law Hong Kong City University, Hong Kong
Partner, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, France
Partner, Bofill Mir & Alvarez Hinzpeter Jana, Chile