Intergovernmental Working Group of Experts on International Standards of Accounting and Reporting (ISAR) (by invitation only)

High-level segment on compliance and enforcement mechanisms for corporate reporting regulations
Session Type
Side Events
Session Themes
Accounting & Reporting
Room number
15 October 2014
12:00 - 20:00 Europe/Zurich

10:00-13:00 Morning Session

This high-level segment of regulators and standard-setters will address the following issues from a global perspective:

  • The importance of compliance monitoring and enforcement for achieving high-quality financial and non-financial corporate reporting
  • Current initiatives underway aimed at improving compliance monitoring and enforcement
  • Facilitating cooperation and exchange of experiences on a global basis

15:00-18:00 Afternoon Session

During this segment senior representatives of national regulatory and enforcement authorities forfinancial and non-financial reporting standards and codes will share their views on:

  • Implementing effective compliance monitoring and enforcement mechanisms
  • Good practice in providing funding for enforcement institutions
  • Maintaining consistency in high-quality control over firms in a network and among networks of firms
  • Synergies between prudential oversight and other sectors
  • Trends in compliance and enforcement actions
  • Cross-border cooperation