Impact Valuation in Practice

Determining the positive and negative contribution of business activities to society
organized by VBA in partnership with IFVI, SABIC, WifOR and Invesco
Session Type
Session Themes
Sustainability Reporting
Room number
Hall 6 Room 15
Contact Email
18 October 2023
10:15 - 11:45 Abu Dhabi

Business impacts on society and the environment can be expressed in money terms. Impact Valuation is the practical application of welfare economics to put a value on the positive and negative contribution of business activities to society. It enables companies and their stakeholders to obtain a true picture of their value creation for investors and society.

This session, organized by the Value Balancing Alliance (VBA) in partnership with the International Foundation for Valuing Impact (IFVI), Saudi Arabia Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC), WifOR and Invesco will host a discussion about IFVI’s draft general principles and the ways in which VBA corporates with a global footprint follow these principles and overcome the challenges of impact valuation and measurement.

Session themes:

  • How can firms move from sustainability indicators to monetized impact indicators?
  • How can such indicators fit into internationally established reporting methods?
  • How do firms benefit from the resulting data for decision making and auditing?
  • How can regulators assess the validity and benefits of the method?


Vice Chair, Deloitte UK and Global IFRS and Corporate Reporting Leader, Deloitte
Vice-Chair of the International Sustainability Standards Board, International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Foundation
CEO, Impact International Foundation for Valuing Impacts (IFVI)
Head of Impact Analysis, WifOR Institute
ESG Data Management and Reporting Executive Director, Saudi Arabia's Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC)
Portfolio Manager, Invesco


Chief Content Officer, The Value Balancing Alliance (VBA)