Organized by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) in collaboration with the International Institute for Trade and Development (ITD), the break-out session will review recent developments, best practices and challenges related to IIAs in the Asia-Pacific region. It will give particular attention to efforts under “Phase 2” of the reform process, which is aimed at modernizing IIAs and investment promotion policies and enhancing their sustainability dimension by integrating the SDGs in IIAs. The event will also touch upon regional efforts towards implementation of “Phase 3” of IIA reform, aimed at maximizing synergies between IIAs and national legal frameworks for investment. The debate will benefit from the presentation of the study “Promoting and Facilitating Foreign Direct Investment for Sustainable Development: an Empirical Study of the Sustainable Development Provisions in BITs of Asian-Pacific LDCs and LLDCs”.
Issues for debate:
- IIA reform as related to integration of the SDGs in the Asia-Pacific region
- Recent developments and updates from the region
- Best practices and challenges from the region