High Level Tripartite Conference Session 2

Re-strategizing investment promotion
Session Type
Parallel Events
Room number
Room 1F
8 September 2010
12:00 - 14:00 Asia/Shanghai

In three tripartite sessions, senior government officials, heads of investment promotion agencies and corporate executives will discuss prominent issues related to the trends and prospects of international investment, the emerging international production patterns of transnational corporations, and new investment promotion strategies.

The second session deals with new investment promotion strategies against the backdrop of changing FDI determinants, shifting TNC strategies, increased South-South FDI flows as well as reforms of global governance.

Questions to be addressed include

  • What are the salient features of the new generation of investment promotion strategies?
  • What will be the future role of supra- and sub-national investment promotion initiatives?
  • How could South-South investment cooperation be enhanced?


Minister of Trade and Industry and Former Prime Minister, Namibia
President, China Council for International Investment Promotion, Chairman, Board of China National Foreign Trade Transportation Corp., China
President of Asia Pacific, Alcatel-Lucent, France
CEO of Invest in Finland
General Manager, Tata Projects, India
Chairman, Brazil China Chamber of Commerce, Brazil
Acting CEO, Durban Investment Promotion Agency, South Africa


Director, Economist Intelligence Unit