A call for investing in people, planet and prosperity
in partnership with the Italian Institute for International Political Studies (ISPI) T-20
Session Type
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WIF Virtual Platform, room 8
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21 October 2021
16:30 - 17:30 Europe/Zurich

Following a year of unprecedented crisis, the international community has entered 2021 with a firm determination to build back, and the ambition to do it better than before.

It is in this spirit, that the Italian presidency of the G-20 has been taking on and fulfilling its mandate, leading the international community towards the development of a shared vision to shape a brighter future for all. A vision that is summarized by the three pillars: people, planet and prosperity.

The role of public and private investment in this project is critical. While policies still need to remain supportive until the recovery is firmly established, the focus should gradually shift from current expenditures and tax breaks to investment, both public and private, for sustainable recovery – investing for people, planet and prosperity. The private sector is not only critical for financing sustainable recovery, it must also promote sustainable business practices to protect and enhance its human capital, natural capital and economic capital – investing in people, planet and prosperity.

This session builds on the unique body of knowledge developed by the T-20, shaping the G-20 agenda across the 3 pillars of people, planet and prosperity, 11 thematic task forces and 120 policy areas.

The main objectives are:

  • To take high-level stock of the works of the G-20 and of the challenges ahead, towards the end of the term for the Italian presidency.
  • To walk the thought and explore the policy frontier of the economic challenges covered by the T-20.
  • To highlight the role that investment can play to address these challenges.

Issues to be addressed

  • Green investments and the public-private link
  • Impact of digitalization on global value chains and services
  • New perspectives of joint public-private financing to support green and sustainable infrastructures
  • Women and the youth: Enhancing labor market access and job opportunities for vulnerable groups


Director, Division on Investment and Enterprise, UNCTAD and Lead, UNCTAD World Investment Forum
Director of the Education Programme, Centre for the Implementation of Public Policies for Equity and Growth
Director, Economics Department,Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Director, Global Economics, European University Institute
Vice-President, Italian Institute for International Political Studies


Head of International News, Anchor "Mondo" - Sky TG24