in partnership with the Family Business Network (FBN) and Polaris
Session Type
Session Themes
Family Business
Room number
Room XXV
Contact Email
25 October 2018
17:00 - 19:30 Europe/Zurich

Preceded by welcome refreshments 

Business can be a force for good, creating employment, investing in development and bringing value to communities. Worldwide, family businesses account for two thirds of businesses, employ 60% of work force and contribute over 70% to global GDP. Given this predominance, family firms have the potential to lead responsible capitalism, educating employees, encouraging responsible consumerism and engaging suppliers in adopting ethical practices.

Panel One – How Family Business are Delivering on the SDGs in Emerging Markets & Beyond

The Sustainable Development agenda is deeply aligned with the raisons d’être of values-based, impact-driven family businesses. Through quality job creation, fair contracts and ethical investments, responsible family businesses have earned the social license to operate and have had a profound influence on society across generations.

Cognizant of emerging technologies and the opportunities presented by the SDGs, this panel examines how the Polaris movement is fuelling innovation in this space – from seizing the $12 trillion opportunity presented by the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to investments in Global Goal markets that profit business and society.

Panel Two– Aligning Purpose with Profit for Future Ready Family Businesses

Family businesses that have stood the test of time are keenly aware that in a fast-changing marketplace, what counts as best-in-class practice today may not cut it tomorrow. The rapid development of new trends and technologies is upending markets and disrupting traditional businesses and whole industries.  Companies are confronted with questions about their quest for purpose and customers are demanding more transparency.

To be relevant, resilient and future-ready, Family Businesses need to be cognizant of the risks, disruptions and trends impacting our world today. This panel examines the challenges faced by family businesses in aligning purpose and profit as they future proof their enterprises. And steps family businesses are taking to more effectively collaborte with policy makers, the investment community and civil society to build an eco-system that enables a shared prosperity for all.

Issues for the debate

  • What is the role of businesses in delivering on the SDGs, particularly in emerging markets?
  • What are the challenges faced by family businesses in aligning Purpose and Profit?
  • How can family businesses more effectively partner with policy makers, the investment community and civil society to build an eco-system that eschews short-termism and empowers purpose-driven long-term thinking and practice?



Director, Division on Investment and Enterprise, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
Head, Sustainability Family Business Network International
Founder and Co-CEO, Pacari Chocolate
Founder and Co-CEO, Pacari Chocolate
Member of the Supervisory Board of Unibel SA (Fromageries Bel' main holding company)
Non-executive Director and Corporate Social Responsibility Chairman, Coca-Cola European Partners, Spain
Vice President, Singbee
CEO, Singbee, China
Chairman, Helectron
Chief Marketing and Communication Officer, Chopard


Secretary General, European Family Businesses
CEO, The Family Business Network