organized by the Family Business Network (FBN)
Session Type
Session Themes
Family Business
Room number
WIF Virtual Platform, room 7
Contact Email
19 October 2021
14:00 - 15:00 Europe/Zurich

Building an enterprising family and a thriving family business across generations is one the most challenging task any family faces. Much advice has been given and best practices transmitted to the senior generation, yet the questions and needs of the following generation may have been ignored. In their ground-breaking new book, Enabling Next Generation Legacies, Professors Peter Jaskiewicz and Sabine B. Rau fill this void. They give the next generation a voice by listening to their most pressing questions and drawing on 90 leading academics, practitioners and enterprising families to provide clear, relevant and succinct answers. The responses tackle pertinent questions in four areas – family, business, ownership and wealth – enabling “next gens” to build their legacies in their families and enterprises.

Jaskiewicz, Rau and FBN – in the context of the twentieth anniversary of FBN’s NxG community – have partnered to provide best practices and real-life experiences and testimonies to address the most pressing questions faced by next gens in enterprising families. Join this session to learn more about the questions that keep next gens awake, and the answers that will empower them to thrive.

Issues to be addressed

  • What are key questions of today’s new generation of owners?
  • How can the younger generation be prepared to assume leadership in a new uncertain world?
  • How can next generation legacies be empowered?
  • How can the family be kept together?
  • How can one become a responsible owner?


Next Gen Member, Aminoff family, Finland
Senior Gen Member, Saputo family in Canada


Visiting Professor, Telfer School of Management & ESMT
Professor, Telfer School of Management