Arab Capital Markets Sustainable Finance Dialogue: From pledges to Implementation

in partnership with the RCSF and AFCM
Session Type
Session Themes
Sustainable Finance
Sustainable Stock Exchanges
Room number
Hall 3 Room 9
Contact Email
19 October 2023
12:15 - 13:45 Abu Dhabi

This session is co-organized with the Cairo-based Regional Center for Sustainable Finance (RCSF) and the Arab Federation of Capital markets. The event will feature a dialogue on sustainable finance issues in the context of the Arab region. The session will follow two main themes including mobilizing capital for climate action and promoting adoption of sustainability reporting standards in Arab countries. 

Session themes:


Chief Executive Officer, Amman Stock Exchange
Executive Director, Regional Center for Sustainable Finance, Financial Regulatory Authority
Chief Executive Officer, Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange (ADX)
Vice President, Egyptian Exchange
Chief Executive Officer, Regional Voluntary Carbon Market Company
Global Manager, Corporate Governance and ESG Advisory, Knowledge and Learning, International Finance Corporation (IFC)


Chief Coordinator, UN Sustainable Stock Exchanges, UNCTAD